The Beatitudes: Blessings for a Joyful Journey. In the Beatitudes, Jesus used common words and ideas to explain what life, faith, and God's kingdom are really about. There is no end to how wise these "one-line parables" are. Jesus told the crowds to change how they thought about themselves, each other, and God. The goal of this theme is to sow the main ideas of the Beatitudes as seeds that will grow and bloom as children's faith matures. 


Children's Choir is for children age 4 to 6th grade. Please complete the registration below for your family listing out each child from preschool to 6th grade.


There is a $10 charge per child or $25 max per family. You can pay with cash/check at check in, or pay online by clicking here!

Parent Info


Child Info

Tip: Select "none" for PK

Tip: I understand that the church service video that includes my child's likeness (video, voice, picture, etc.) is available publicly on the web, including but not limited to, the church website,, YouTube, Roku, AppleTV, FireTV, any social media platform, and the church app. I also understand that Vista Grande Baptist Church will use the video exclusively for church-related purposes and not for any commercial gain. Since anyone can download anything from the Internet and share or create new content, I agree that Vista Grande Baptist Church is not responsible for unauthorized use of the video or my child's likeness. By your acknowledgment below, you are stating your intent for every minor child under this registration as the legal guardian or parent.
